....Leie Minigolfutstyr..Rentals minigolfequipment....

....Leie Minigolfutstyr..Rentals minigolfequipment....

kr 0,00

….På Bortelid har vi en minigolfbane med 9 hull. Banen ligger bak servicekontoret, rett ved lekeplassen. For å låne utstyr kan du enten komme innom servicekontoret, eller ringe servicetelefonen (+ 47 38 13 34 00).. We have a minigolfcourse at Bortelid with 9 holes. The course is behind the serviceoffice next to the playground. To rent equipment you can either drop by the serviceoffice or call +47 38 13 34 00….


  • ….Barn (<12 år): 50,-..Children (<12 years): NOK 50,-….

  • ….Voksen: 70,-..Adults: NOK 70,-….

Kontakt servicekontoret for utleie